
Winner 1st Runner up 2nd Runner up
A challenging competition introduced to SLIIT CODEFEST in its second iteration. This competition consists of 02 rounds where teams of contestants solve a number of algorithmic programming problems within a fixed time period. Team members could solve multiple problems in parallel or work together. The team who submits the most amount of correct solutions within the time period wins. In case of a tie, the team who finished sooner would be ranked higher. An online contest judge will handle displaying the problems, timing, accepting solutions, testing and displaying results. Open book(unrestricted access to any content including full internet).

Team Size: 1 – 3 members

Eligibility: Undergraduates from any state or non-state universities/ higher education institutes in Sri Lanka

Number of Rounds : 2
  • All contestants must comply with the rules and verdict given by the online contest judge. An appointed human judge panel will be called only in cases where the online judge awards a tie.
  • Judges decisions will be final
  • Rules and guidelines document will be provided after registration.

Initial RoundDate11th of October
Problem definitionOnline contest judge will provide a list of problems to solve. Problems will be easy to medium in nature
Selection process The online contest judge will constantly update a leaderboard, with teams sorted by the number of correct solutions submitted
Evaluation criteria 10 teams with the highest leaderboard rankings will be selected for the 2nd(final) round, which will be held physically at SLIIT Malabe Campus.
Duration 3.5h (30min preamble, 3h contest)
 Venue Online
Second RoundDate10th of December
Problem definitionOnline contest judge will provide a list of problems to solve. Problems will be medium to hard in nature
Selection processThe online contest judge will constantly update a leaderboard, with teams sorted by the number of correct solutions submitted
Evaluation criteriaThe highest ranking team on the leaderboard will be the winner. The three highest ranking all-student-teams will be eligible for prizes.
Duration5 hours
VenueSLIIT Campus