
Gold Silver Bronze
Name of the Competition: DevQuest Category: Tertiary Description: DevQuest is an international hackathon organized under the tertiary category of CODEFEST, aimed at showcasing the unique talents, creativity, and innovations of undergraduates from universities and institutes worldwide.   Team Size:3 to 4 undergraduates and an academic coach from the same university or institute.

  • Participants must be under the age of 28
  • Participants must be enrolled in a university or institute.
  • Git for collaborative work
  • Node.js or Express for backend development
  • JavaScript for frontend development
  • NPM for build and serve tasks
  • SQL for working with relational databases
Rules and Regulations:
  • A team should consist of three or four undergraduates and an academic coach for guidance
  • The academic coach should be from the same university or institute as the undergraduates
  • Teams will be ranked based on the number of points they earn from solving the provided problems.
  • In the event of a tie, rankings will be determined by the time of the last commit, with faster completion securing a higher rank.
  • The judges’ decision is final.
Competition Format:
    • The competition comprises a single round.
    • There will be a test run one week prior to the main round