
Winner 1st Runner up 2nd Runner up

Application Closing -> 14th January 2025

NetCom Competition, organized for the 13th executive time by the Department of Computer Systems Engineering in collaboration with the Computer Systems and Network Engineering Student Community, under Faculty event CODEFEST 2024, which provided a great opportunity for students to showcase their networking abilities, and gain visibility among talent recruiters in the growing ICT and networking field. NetCom competition utilize Cisco’s Web technologies to create an interactive networking skills contest that enhances classroom learning, unites students from across the country, and promotes further technology education and training. This competition is a great opportunity for Networking Academy students to learn valuable Networking/IT skills through two stages of an online exam and a simulation activity using Cisco Packet Tracer. The competition aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and comprehension required to allow them to contribute to the planning, design, and management of modern network-based computer systems. The contest is held in two rounds.
  1. Initial Round Consists of an MCQ questionnaire of 60 questions and one hour, which consists of and covers the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) curriculum. The participants should get familiarized with this content.
  2. Final Round Consists of a practical skills test of one hour using packet tracer. The skills test is a packet tracer-based simulation which covers Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) concepts. The participants must have a thorough knowledge in networking to participate this round.
Evaluation criteria:
  • The 10 groups which receives the highest marks in the initial round and will be automatically selected for the final round. If there are number of groups who have received the same mark the judges will decide if they are proceeded to the next step or not.
  • The 3 groups which receives the highest marks in the final round will be awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze palaces accordingly.
  • If there is a tie, there will be another 30 questions, half an hour MCQ questionnaire to decide the winners.
  • The weightages of the mark distribution are as follows.
    • MCQ questionnaire – 40%
    • Practical skills test– 60%
  • The judge’s decisions are the final decision.
Rules and Regulations:
  1. The contest is only open to undergraduate students of Sri Lanka.

  2. Employees, representatives and agents of Community Life Service (“Sponsor”), and its parent companies, affiliates and advertising and promotion agencies, as well as the immediate family members (spouse, children, parents and siblings) and those living in the same household of such employees, representatives and agents are not eligible to enter.

  3. The winner will be selected on the final competition day itself and will be awarded in the closing ceremony of CODEFEST 2024.

  4. By participating in the contest, participant consents to the collection and use of the information they submit. By entering the contest, the winner authorizes SLIIT to use, their idea, name, photograph, location, voice, image and / or statement regarding the prize for advertising or other purposes, without any compensation.

  5. The University will not assume liability of any nature in all cases where their inability to act results from an event or situation beyond its control, a strike, lockout or any other labor dispute occurs in the sponsor facilities or in the facilities of the organizations or businesses whose services are used for holding the contest.

  6. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, modify, or suspend any Contest or to amend these General Contest Rules at any time and in any way, without prior notice, for any reason whatsoever.

  7. The University is not responsible for incomplete, lost or late entries or faulty transmissions, technical computer hardware or software failures of any kind, lost or interrupted or unavailable network connections, or failed, incomplete, garbled, misrouted, scrambled or delayed computer transmission, or other errors or problems of any kind, whether mechanical, human, electronic or otherwise, which may limit or affect in any way an entrant’s ability to participate in this contest.
Competition StagesDateMode of ConductDurationDescription
Initial Round16th January 2025
Online – MS Teams
1 Hour60 MCQ questions
Final Round22nd January 2025Physical – Packet Tracer3 Hours
Configuration and Troubleshooting